Guidelines and Procedures
Application deadline for the spring grant cycle is April 15th.
Application deadline for the fall grant cycle is October 15th.
The Foundation currently accepts proposals in any of three broad areas: community health, professional education, and research. The Board encourages proposals designed to improve the cardiac health and wellness of populations that have a higher-than-average risk of heart disease and are generally underserved by our current health system. Innovative approaches that may offer a significant return on investment and a focus on prevention are also priorities, as are those that can demonstrate efficacy and sustainability.
Community Health
Community health programs should focus on cardiac health and well-being along the life spectrum, particularly in underserved, high risk communities. The proposal should address evaluation of the program’s outcomes.
For programs focusing on children, the Foundation seeks to foster heart-healthy habits lasting a a lifetime and is particularly interested in programs that incorporate one or more of the following approaches, including, but not limited to, those:
- Engaging both parents/primary caregivers and children (i.e., a two-generational approach.)
- Maximizing impact across the child’s life, by reaching children and families in more than one setting, such as home, early childhood programs, schools, health care providers, etc. Projects might include community health workers serving as “connectors” between the various settings.
- Targeting physical activity, healthy eating, or environmental changes that increase access to healthier foods and/or to safe, outdoor physical activities.
- Evaluating the effectiveness of using social media (texting, e-mailing, Facebook, Twitter, etc.) among parents, teachers, health care providers, and community health workers to improve cardiovascular health.
For programs focusing on adults, the Foundation is particularly interested in approaches that likewise promote heart-healthy habits, provide education about cardiovascular health, and augment compliance with medical care, including, but not limited to, those:
- Linked to clinical settings to support medical education and compliance
- Providing community screening for, education about, and interventions addressing cardiovascular risk factors
- Addressing individual compliance with prescribed medical care
- Increasing physical activity and heart healthy eating
Professional Education
In the area of professional education, Kynett limits its funding to continuing professional education programs that take place in the Philadelphia region and that target physicians and other health care providers who work with underserved populations. The Board will give additional weight to proposals that emphasize outreach to health professionals and teams who practice in high risk, underserved communities; or that develop innovative curricula for health professionals who practice in those communities.
Proposed research should address cardiovascular health and wellness, particularly prevention and risk factors as they relate to women, children, minorities, and the economically disadvantaged, and the delivery of healthcare services in underserved communities. The Foundation looks for proposals that apply rigorous research methods to develop and measure the efficacy of community-based programs and interventions.
Applicants should indicate which focus area their programs target and if the program addresses children’s issues. Grants will be made for one year and generally will not exceed $50,000. Kynett funds both specific programs and general operating expenses.
Each applicant must include its plan for evaluating the proposed program and for disseminating the results, where appropriate. Applicants must be either public entities or tax exempt under Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. The Foundation does not fund private foundations, as defined in Section 509 (a) of the Code, or individuals.
The Foundation funds programs located in the Delaware Valley: Philadelphia, Bucks, Delaware, Chester, Montgomery, Berks, and Lehigh Counties and Camden County, New Jersey and New Castle County, Delaware.
Grants must be used for the direct expenses of the program in question, though under certain circumstances the Foundation will fund general operating expenses. The Foundation does not make grants to support capital campaigns or endowments or for construction or renovation of facilities. Funds may not be used to pay honoraria to in-house staff, to reduce ongoing deficits from operations, or to substitute for third party reimbursement. Support for capital equipment is rarely provided. Kynett funding may not be utilized for routine medical care unless such services are provided as an essential component of a program to test innovative methods of health service delivery.
Each application must disclose any financial or potential financial interest which any person, whether or not associated with the institution submitting the application, may have in the proposed program or any device, drug, procedure, or technique which may be developed, in whole or in part, with funding from Kynett. Applicants must also list all other funders, both those committed and those with whom applications are pending.
As a condition of accepting Foundation funds, grantees must provide annual reports, including budgets, and participate in any evaluation conducted on behalf of the Foundation.
The application deadlines are April 15th and October 15th of each year. Applications received by the relevant deadline and containing all the required information will be reviewed by a Board committee and the full Board of Trustees. The Trustees will make the final selection for each year’s awards. Successful applicants will be notified in December, following the October deadline, and in June, following the April deadline. The Foundation does not generally provide critiques of individual applications or reasons for a grant’s rejection. Applications which have been rejected may be resubmitted in future years, but any resubmission must include a letter explaining what changes have been made in the application and the reasons for those changes.
An applicant may not submit more than one proposal for any particular program in any calendar year.
Grantees should include appropriate recognition of the Foundation’s support in their annual reports and other materials.
If you have any questions about the application process, please contact Kate Williams at [email protected].
Application Requirements
Click here to begin a NEW application for the CURRENT grant cycle.
This NEW application link will be activated 6 weeks prior to the start of the April and October grant cycles and deactivated at the end of each cycle deadline.
- Before you submit your application:
- Review the application and attachments for accuracy.
- Confirm required attachments are uploaded.
- Print the application for your records using the printer-friendly link.
- Click on Submit button when completed.